[DRAFT] There have recently been a number of articles discussing grade inflation. 1. Grade inflation is asymmetric across disciplines 2. Grade inflation is asymmetric across collegesRead More
The Debt Limit
Summary: Obama offered a deficit reduction deal that is to the right of most Republicans, and the House Republicans rejected it. Something is wrong inRead More
Keynes on Economics
From his introduction to D.H. Robertson’s Money: The Theory of Economics does not furnish a body of settled conclusions immediately applicable to policy. It isRead More
International Trade
Just a short thought on this issue. Ian Fletcher says (accessed from huffingtonpost): “So forget helping starving children in Africa this way [through trade]. They’reRead More
A new type of graph
[DRAFT] Introducing the Dan Chart (ok, that name won’t fly. The Dart? Darts fly!), or to name it descriptively, the aligned stacked bar chart. i have hadRead More
The State of Macro Theory
The first half of David Friedman’s post (Ideas: The Living Dead: Thoughts on Macro and Depressions) contains a good explanation of the current state of macroRead More
Buy Local?
A good article in the NY Times today http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/20/opinion/20budiansky.html. The “buy local” movement, which is very popular here in San Francisco, never really sat wellRead More
Millionaire Tax
I don’t really have the time to respond to this article http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2010/08/how-much-revenue-would-millionaires-tax.html, but it reminded me that I need to work on my model ofRead More
Re: America Goes Dark
I definitely don’t think of myself of a Keynesian, however I think it is the pessimist in me that agrees with Krugman’s most recent article.Read More